Monday, March 7, 2011

Kenneth Boone Haynie

Happy Birthday to MY Kenny. I can't believe this boy is already 14. Words cannot express how much I love this boy. I wish I could be with him on his birthday, and make him to go Stake dances ;) But since I'm all the way in Idaho when he is all the way in Texas, all I can do is write a sappy little blog post about my favorite person in the world. And I'm pretty sure I can truly say he is my favorite person in the world. Here's 14 reasons why I love this boy to pieces.

14. He is SO funny!
13.He is talented at basically everything!!!
12. He inherited the brains that sadly, I did not.
11. He is an absolute STUD!
10.He is nice to everyone!
9.He still drives with me even though there have been.. Incidents :)
8.He texts me whenever I text him!
7.He will talk to me about everything!
6. He's a great youngest child.
5.He loves the Gospel
4.He's started texting... More than me!
3.He's so random when he's with his friends
2.He's the best little brother I could have ever asked for
1. He's my best friend

Now, don't you just love him already? I sure do. Happy birthday to my Kenny! I can't believe he's already 14. I love that boy so much! Aren't I the luckiest girl in the world to have such an awesome little brother? HECK YEAH I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! Kenny is pretty lucky to have such a wonderful big sister. I am sure he would say the same kinds of things about you. You are very special in so many ways. Keep smiling! Love you!
