Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Food for Thought

Okay, so there's really no food... Or a thought for that matter. I felt like that title just sounded good.

I haven't posted anything for 2 months! So this post will be jam packed with information about my awesome exciting life.

I have been in Heber City Utah living with my Aunt Michelle and Uncle Mitch for that past couple months. I've been working as a nanny full time for a single mom who has to work every day all the way in Salt Lake City! So it's been crazy working for them, but I love these girls! They are adorable and funny and definitely keep me laughing! Here is a picture of me with them!

As you can probably tell, we have a lot of fun :) Today is actually my second to last day of work! It's crazy how time flies. I start school in TWO weeks! I'm nervous/excited/anxious/SO READY! Everyone that I talk to always says that I'm so lucky that I start school so late.. False! It's just been really boring to be honest. But life is about to be unboring! In 2 days I will be in sunny California with my MOM! We are going to be going to the happiest place on earth... A.K.A

Yeah... I'm going to DISNEYLAND! I dreamed about Disneyland all winter long while I was stuck in my apartment.. It's true. So now my dreams are finally coming true, and what is better is that I'm going with my mom and my grandma.. So if you haven't caught on by now I get to be the "child" of this exciting trip which means.. We get to do what I want to do! Woohoo! Stay tuned for pictures from this epic event. 

I also moved into my apartment about a month ago, and have just stayed down there on weekends, I'm not even going into detail about my crazy roommates(literally crazy...) But, here is a picture of this awesome place I now call home! 

Beautiful right? It is the nicest place that I've ever lived in my whole college years. Haha anyway, sorry that this post is kind of lame.. But I will try and not wait months and months to update again! 

1 comment:

  1. that is a nice living establishment you go there! Have fun at Disneyland!!!!! i'm going oct. 9 now...i hope you meet prince harry and all your wildest dreams come true :)
