Sunday, February 13, 2011

Idaho Falls with The Rooms.

Well today I went to the far away town of Idaho Falls. Even though it's only about 30 minutes away, it's quite the get away. Well, we went to WinCo, it's a Costco/Sams Club type store. Pretty rad. Well we went to Winco, then the MALL! And anyone that knows me, knows that I absolutely love the mall. I could live there... Anyway, back to my story. We went to the mall. I practiced self control today, I think everyone should be proud. I have a weakness, I love new jeans. American Eagle jeans to be exact. We were at AE and I found a beautiful pair of jeans that looked fabulous on me! But, I DIDN'T buy them! I figured since I just bought a new pair of jeans LAST weekend, I figured I didn't really need another pair. So I didn't buy them! Impressive huh? Well, I did get a new shirt from Old Navy, it's super cute:) Well, after Old Navy we went to Red Robin... YUMMM. Liz's Birthday is on Monday so we celebrated her birthday there! We finished eating, went to Wal-Mart, finished there and headed back to good ol' Rexburg. Today was a beautiful day, spent with amazing people! I'm so blessed this semester with awesome roommates! I really couldn't have asked for better ones! Here are some pictures from the eventful day in Idaho Falls! Until next time :)
Meet the roommates. Liz, me, Sarah, Austrie and Jesika
This is my room roommates Liz! (Her birthday is on Monday!)
Happy Birthday, Liz!!!
In Sarah's car there was only room for 5 out of the 6 people to have seat belts, so I took one for the team and sat in the bean bag on the floor at their feet. I made it work :)

Basically, to sum this up... I have some amazing roommates, and I feel so blessed to have them in my life! Having these girls (plus Jim who is the mysterious man in the background of this last photo) as my friends! I am blessed, and I love life :)

Here's a shout out to Austrie, who is my one faithful follower... You're awesome!!!

1 comment:

  1. YAYAYAYAYAYA! HOLLA! I love us too! and thanks for the shout out. I will forever be your follower! even you when other people discover your awesome-ness and decided to 'follow' you as well :)
    p.s. braveheart says hello
